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Why do mobile applications fail in the industry?

Jan 19, 2019 POSTED IN BusinessDesignTech BY blogger
Jan 2019

The mobile industry has a wide scope and is fast booming. It provides mobile app developers endless possibilities to create and design their applications. Yet competition is fierce and it’s difficult to remain the number one friendly app among users. Hence there is a possibility of failure when it comes to mobile applications.

  • When an app fails, it’s usually due to a lack of a solid strategy. Without a strong foundation, you could either delay your development process or build a low-quality product. Strategies that don’t take end users into account can also harm your endeavors. User experiences differ in almost every scenario and each contributes to an endless possibility of use-case issues. Solution to this is not to think in terms of hard sales, but rather in providing value to your users in terms of information, a service, or entertainment.
  • You’re also likely to fail if the mobile app is too complicated and confusing for users to deal with on a regular basis. Business websites and webapps work in a common fashion – users log in, navigate through several pages, find the page they are looking for and access / manipulate data to perform a desired task. Mobile apps are very different, they are built with a limited set of tasks in mind and enable users to quickly perform these tasks while on the run with minimal navigation. Mobile apps should be simple, single-serving gateways into the larger, more complex offerings of a business or enterprise website.
  • In the current app economy, it’s imperative mobile app marketing focuses on the correct strategies in an age of unlimited apps. Demand in the app marketplace and the evolution of user behavior over the years means marketers need to align themselves with present marketing trends and a sound mobile app marketing strategy that aids its success in the coming months.
  • One of the toughest parts of the mobile app creation process is creating a public-facing API that gives consumers access to your data and functionality. This process normally takes 12-24 months. Anytime developers deal with access permissions and exposing business logic, they assume a large risk and multiply the layers of complexities. The more you can create without exposing logic via APIs, the more the solution will be.
  • Market research takes a lot of time and effort. That said, having a thorough understanding of your audience is a huge advantage when marketing your app. Individuals have completely different preferences. An app built for teenagers won’t fit the criteria for one built for adults. Additionally, many developers are often overly excited with their idea they forget to confirm if that app already exists or if the market even needs it.