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MacOs Big Sur – an exciting and unforseen change!

Jun 23, 2020 POSTED IN AppleDesignTech BY smarthatch
Jun 2020



Apple revealed a glance of the macOS Big Sur yesterday at its annual WWDC, which means that the Mac OS X is concluded. It is indeed an unprecedented reveal as Apple had been inclined to the simple design of the OS X for the longest time and was expected to go on.

macOS Big Sur Preview

The overarching elements of the new macOS Big Sur include the drastic updates in Safari and also the addition of functional and handy features in Messages, Maps and privacy.

Apple has a way of rolling out novel designs that are very different yet has a touch of familiarity to all the Apple users.

Let’s first talk about the design

macOS Big Sur- Features

The new design is marked by ample space which enables users to navigate themselves more smoothly. Apple stated that, “The entire experience feels more focused, fresh, and familiar, reducing visual complexity and bringing users’ content front and center.” It also probes the chances for multitasking rather than having single focused screen that Apple has usually been sticking to.

The icons on the Dock has been redesigned to better suit with the Apple ecosystem but at the same time maintained the consistent Mac personality.

Menu bars can be customized which enables efficient and reflex controlling from the desktop. The core apps have been rearranged for multiple windows to operate simultaneously.

Notification center is also getting a new look with the new update with detailed interactions and be-spoke widgets suited to user comfort.

Now coming to the applications,

Messages on the Mac becomes more expressive with the new update. It also provides an opportunity to prioritize, by pining conversations to “favourites” which will appear at the top of the conversation list. Organization of texts in terms of links, photos and matching terms, making search quick and hassle free. Memoji’s on the Mac can be customized to better represent your appearance and persona. Exciting message effects have been added with confetti, balloons and more.

New group messaging elements make interactions with family, friends, and colleagues simpler and more compact. Also, in groups, replies can be directed to a particular member by just typing in their name. Yes, just like WhatsApp!

mac OS Big Sur- iMessage

Maps have also gained a whole new experience, making it more elaborate. You can now explore the world virtually. The feature provides you a guide from reliable resources regarding places to visit.  From having a close 360-degree look into airports, hotels and mall to routing your cycling trips, all of which is possible with the new macOS Big Sur.

macOS Big Sur - Map Guides

macOS Big Sur – Map Guides

Browse away with Safari in the macOS Big Sur,

Apple has said this update for Safari to be the biggest since its launch in 2003. The tabs have been redesigned to enable multiple tabs that can be viewed on screen at a given point of time. Yes, a lot for multitaskers! The start page can be customized with background images and sections like their Reading List and iCloud Tabs. Translating the entire webpage into a different language is made possible with just click of a key.

macOS Big Sur- Safari

Privacy is also further strengthened with the new update; Privacy Report delivers added visibility into how Safari protects browsing activity across the web.

More about privacy,

The new privacy features empower users to be more informed about the privacy practices of various apps before they download them including the types of data the apps might collect — such as usage, contact information, or location — and whether that data is shared with third parties for tracking.

macOS Big Sur - Privacy