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Instagram’s new “mute” feature allows you to customize your feed

May 23, 2018 POSTED IN DesignLifestyleTech BY blogger
May 2018

Instagram is fast evolving, with a new update coming in a few weeks it will give more liberty for users to decide what they want to see on their feed or not. Of course, unfollowing someone is always an option but imagine a situation where it’s your close family member or a friend that posts a 100 times a day but you can’t unfollow them as it would be rude.

However, with the new “Mute” option, you will be able to remove someone’s posts and their stories from appearing on your Instagram’s main screen. And you can unmute them anytime you like, and the person wouldn’t be notified that they are muted. This feature allows making for a more consistent feed, giving users the option to exclusively allow posts about fashion, news, or dogs, for example. And more importantly to ensure that the ethical standards of the community are respected and to avoid being offended or harassed by other users posts.Related image

Once the feature is available to you, all you’ll need to do is tap the three dots at the top of a post—or on someone’s profile—hit mute, and you’ll be given the option to mute just their posts, just their stories or both. After that, you’ll no longer have to look at their content, but you’ll still be able to get direct messages from them, see their photos if you go to their page and get notifications if they tagged by them.