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Facebook wants you to reminisce

Jun 12, 2018 POSTED IN BusinessDesignTech BY blogger
Jun 2018

Facebook has launched a new page dubbed ‘Memories’ that will keep moments you shared with friends and family over the years at a single place. It is an extension of the “On This Day” feature you’ve likely seen in your News Feed.Apart from the “On This Day” memories will include a few new sections, including Friends Made on This Day, seasonal or monthly recaps, and memories you might have missed from the past week. It’s a simple feature that’ll probably give people happy feelings that they’ll then want to share. However Facebook has also made efforts to make sure that you have happy and joyful memories to reminisce about and not painful flashbacks and for this reason users can dismiss stories in their News Feed or block out specific people, dates, or date ranges in their preferences. It also automatically detects potentially negative memories based on friend reactions and keywords; the post then will stop showing up in News Feeds. Clearly Facebook wants to keep you cheery!
Among the other options you’ll see here is the “Friends Made on this Day” feature, which includes a list of friends you made on this same day in the past. You’ll also see special videos and collages to celebrate your “friendversaries” – the term Facebook coined for celebrating the day you and someone became Facebook friends.
Just like Apple memories that are generated in the photo gallery, on Facebook you’ll notice video collages pop up

Facebooks new Memories update

in your News Feed with their collections of shared photos set to upbeat music. And to keep you updated they also have a page for “Memories You May Have Missed,” for those who don’t log in often enough to see these sharing suggestions in their Feed, and”Recaps of Memories” – meaning those seasonal or monthly recaps that have been bundled into a short video or message ready for sharing.The social network had first introduced these memory recaps just over a year ago, as a way to encourage more personal sharing on a network where organic sharing has been on the decline.
This can be seen as an attempt for Facebook to encourage people to still hang on to Facebook and use it as platform to make personal posts and share their everyday happenings. Nevertheless it’s Instagram and Snapchat that people often prefer today to share their personal content.